About Me

I'm Kenneth Sim

Hello there! My name is Kenneth Sim. I am a graduate from Singapore University of Technology and Design(SUTD) with a Bachelor of Engineering in the Information Systems Technology and Design(ISTD) track, Honours with Distinction, specialising in Cybersecurity(Wow, that's a long mouthful).

I have been coding ever since Primary School (albeit on those Lego robotics systems, hehe) Ever since then I've been constantly creating applications and prototypes in my free time, way more than what you see here.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about what I do or just want to have a chat!

My Skills

  • 01

    Full-Stack Development

    Created and managed several fullstack projects, ranging from school to professionally used applications.

    Familiar with both web, mobile and gaming application development.

    Mainly worked with Python, Javascript and Bash, familiar with Java and C#.

    Frontend frameworks: Vue.js, Android Studio, Unity
    Backend frameworks: Django, Flask, .NET Core
    Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
    Others: Docker, Git

  • 02

    Cyber Security

    Attained Certified Ethical Hacker(CEH)[ECC5093641782]

    Specialisation in the Security Track in SUTD.

    Completed numerous labs for both network and system offense/defense.

    Familiar with common security standards such as SSL/TLS, OAUTH and ciphers.

    Familiar with tools like Kali, NMap, Wireshark and GDB.

    Participated in DSTA's Brainhack 2020 Capture The Flag competition.

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    Cloud Architect

    Architected both server and serverless systems in GCP, AWS and IBM cloud platforms.

    Experience in choosing different cloud as-a-service products to attain a balance between cost-effectiveness, availability, performance and maintainability.

    Created production-ready scalable containerised environments.

Period of Development

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